Live Financially Focused

by Tiara Purnell

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It’s 2019! A New Year means those New Year’s resolutions. Let’s make one of your resolutions be to become financially fit. What does that mean? Lowering the weight of debt, pumping up savings for retirement, and balancing your credit worthiness all define financial fitness. Making healthier money decisions is a step that points you toward the direction of building wealth.

Keep in mind the basic rule: you have to earn more and spend less. In the financial industry, a business operates at a profit or “In the black” when revenues are up and expenses are down. “In the red” refers to a company having spent more than they have earned.  

Let’s choose to be “In the black” in 2019!


The amount of money spent every week, or every month, is not always so easy to determine. We swipe our credit cards or debit card at the flick of a wrist. Be aware of your spending. Overspending can be hazardous to your financial goals. Amid the celebratory season of Valentine Day and Mardi Gras, purchasing elaborate clothing and providing a romantic dinner for two or traveling to parades and attending swanky balls, can lead to spontaneous spending that basically can put you “in the red.” However, the idea of sacrificing fun for you budget, or sacrificing your budget for fun, can leave you ready to throw in the towel.


Here are some tips to follow that will allow you to be a good steward over your finances.

1.       Write it down and make it plain.

Be as detailed as possible when creating your budget.

You can apply the 70-10-20 rule to set a budget; 70% for living expenses, 10% for debts, 20% for savings.


In each category be as detailed as possible. The goals that you set should be realistic and obtainable; research may be required. The rule I’m suggesting is flexible to you, so tweak it.

2.       Plan and prepare by doing research in advance.

Groupon, Living Social, and RetailMeNot apps are the way to go. They offer discounts or specials on activities, tickets, or dinner plans on the go. Keep in mind, some websites or apps offer rewards to its members. Allow your money to work for you, get paid to shop.

2019 is here and your New Year’s resolution should be to become financially fit. Remember: set a realistic and obtainable budget and always plan and prepare.

Overspending can destroy your financial goal of building wealth. Try to revisit your goals daily. Post them in visible places; on social media or on your phone. You can even tell a friend. Join a group or a community of people that can keep you on the right track. You may have to make some tough decisions in the beginning; it will get easier over time. If you can see the finish line, it will be that much easier to cross.